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About our society

Photographic Society, Hong Kong University Students' Union was found in 1958. We are an affiliated society under Cultural Association, HKUSU.Our society aims to promote the art of photography among students. Since the establishment of our Society, we have organized a series of photographic courses, competitions and photo-taking services for our members and fellow schoolmates in HKU.


About our Cabinet

Incandescence is derived from a Latin verb ‘incandescere’ which means to glow white. It is commonly heard from ‘incandescent light bulb’, in which a visible spectrum appears as a result of the heated filament at a high temperature. Light acts like a close friend of all photographers; it stems from that light is an essential element of taking a photo.

Incandescence, represents the foundation, indispensability and inspiration which thoroughly describes and reflects our attitudes and aims to the society and the members in the coming year. We are delighted to offer and encourage more students to discover the refinement of photography. By achieving our aims, we promise to deliver a variety of activities so as to consolidate the fundamental skills of the beginners, last the enthusiasm of the members for photography and also provide specific knowledge for advance photography.

The introductory course, workshops and photo trips can constitute a robust bridge for members to improve their skills through learning and sharing. In addition, the 相 港 就 講 , Selfie Booth and Iamjustaphotographer can encourage creativity in photography. From the different activities aims at different people with unlike knowledge level towards photography, it is believed members will find activities suitable for themselves and non-members will be encouraged to engage in deeper understanding in photography


Executive Committee

Chairperson (Acting External Vice-Chairperson)

Cheuk Kei Fong, Tarina

Internal Vice-Chairperson

So Wing Lam, Doris

General Secretary (Acting Publication and Publicity Secretary)

Wong Un Kuan, Sarah

Financial Secretary

He Bo, Molly

Publication and Publicity Secretary (Acting Property Secretary) (Acting Photo Team Captain)

Vaishali Girdhar